EO (Search Engine Optimization) Analysis Tool
This Free SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Analysis Tool is to help you analyze and measure the ranking potential of your web pages. It doesn't only analyze the Meta Tags of your pages, rather it tries to use the same spider technology as the search engine spiders themselves.
We check your pages for :
- Title length
- Title - H1 tags relevancy
- Title - H2 tags relevancy
- Title - Descrition relevancy
- Title - Page Content relevancy
- Title - URL relevancy
- Description length
- Description - page content relevancy
- Keyword length
- keyword relevancy
- Canonical link tag
This are the most important checks we make but internaly we make some other checks between the HTML elements in your pages.
Use this tool by inserting the code below in your website
<a href="http://www.someinfos.com/Free-SEO-Analysis-Tool/2021.html"><img border="0" src="http://www.someinfos.com/seocheck.php" alt="SEO Score"/></a>
For use with link to our site use
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